​​ Research Database Faculty of Medicine Khon Kaen University

Research Department

ภาควิชา ปี ชื่อผลงาน Quartiles IF ตีพิมพ์ใน Authors
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Aberrant methylation of PCDH10 and RASSF1A genes in blood samples for non-invasive diagnosis and prognostic assessment of gastric cancer 0.00 PeerJ Pimson C., Ekalaksananan T., Pientong C., Promthet S., Putthanachote N., Suwanrungruang K., Wiangnon S.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Adolescent health in Asia: Insights from Thailand 0.00 International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health Areemit R., Manaboriboon B.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Antiretroviral Therapy in Severely Malnourished, HIV-infected Children in Asia 0.00 Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Boettiger D.C., Aurpibul L., Hudaya D.M., Fong S.M., Lumbiganon P., Saphonn V., Truong K.H., Hansudewechakul R., Nguyen L.V., Do V.C., Bunupuradah T., Chokephaibulkit K., Nik Yusoff N.K., Kumarasamy N., Wati D.K., Razali K.A., Kariminia A., Mean C.V., Sarun S., Tucker J., Zhang F.J., Saghayam S., Chandrasekaran E., Atmikasari L.P.P., Malino I.Y., Kurniati N., Muktiarti D., Fong S.M., Thien M., Lim M., Daut F., Mohamad P., Mohamed T.J., Abdul Rahman N.F., Mohammed N.A.D.R., Nallusamy R., Chan K.C., Sudjaritruk T., Sirisanthana V., Oberdorfer P., Denjanta S., Srisuk W., Kongphonoi A., Kosalaraksa P., Tharnprisan P., Udomphanit T., Jourdain G., Puthanakit T., Prasitsuebsai W., Chanthaweethip W., Lapphra K., Phongsamart W., Sricharoenchai S., Du Q.T., Nguyen C.H., Ha T.M., An V.T., Khu K.D.T., Pham A.N., Nguyen L.T., Le O.N., Sohn A.H., Durier N., Sethaputra C., Cooper D.A., Law M.G., Kariminia A.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Chemotherapy for treating high-grade osteosarcoma in children and young adults 0.00 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Sirichativapee W., Wisanuyotin T., Pattanittum P., Paholpak P., Laupattarakasem P., Srisodaphol W., Tsuchiya H., Laopaiboon M., Kosuwon W., Wiangnon S.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Chicken Essence for Cognitive Function Improvement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 0.00 NUTRIENTS Teoh, Siew Li; Sudfangsai, Suthinee; Lumbiganon, Pisake; Laopaiboon, Malinee; Lai, Nai Ming; Chaiyakunapruk, Nathorn
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Early Height and Weight Changes in Children Using Cotrimoxazole Prophylaxis with Antiretroviral Therapy 0.00 Clinical Infectious Diseases Boettiger D.C., Muktiarti D., Kurniati N., Truong K.H., Saghayam S., Ly P.S., Hansudewechakul R., Van Nguyen L., Do V.C., Sudjaritruk T., Lumbiganon P., Chokephaibulkit K., Bunupuradah T., Nik Yusoff N.K., Wati D.K., Mohd Razali K.A., Fong M.S., Nallusamy R.A., Sohn A.H., Kariminia A.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Final Height and Associated Factors in Perinatally HIV-infected Asian Adolescents 0.00 Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Bunupuradah T., Kariminia A., Aurpibul L., Chokephaibulkit K., Hansudewechakul R., Lumbiganon P., Vonthanak S., Vibol U., Saghayam S., Nallusamy R., Van Nguyen L., Yusoff N.K.N., Sohn A.H., Puthanakit T.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 FLT3-ITD mutations in acute myeloid leukemia patients in northeast Thailand 0.00 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention Kumsaen P., Fucharoen G., Sirijerachai C., Chainansamit S.-O., Wisanuyothin N., Kuwatjanakul P., Wiangnon S.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Frataxin expression in reticulocytes of non-splenectomized and splenectomized patients with HbE-beta-thalassaemia 0.00 Clinical Biochemistry Suebpeng Y., Jetsrisuparb A., Fucharoen S., Tripatara A.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Hematidrosis: a report with histological and biochemical documents 0.00 International Journal of Dermatology Techasatian L., Waraasawapati S., Jetsrisuparb C., Jetsrisuparb A.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for homozygous beta-thalassemia and beta-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients from haploidentical donors 0.00 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION Anurathapan, U.; Hongeng, S.; Pakakasama, S.; Sirachainan, N.; Songdej, D.; Chuansumrit, A.; Charoenkwan, P.; Jetsrisuparb, A.; Sanpakit, K.; Rujkijyanont, P.; Meekaewkunchorn, A.; Lektrakul, Y.; Iamsirirak, P.; Surapolchai, P.; Satayasai, W.; Sirireung, S.; Sruamsiri, R.; Wahidiyat, P. A.; Ungkanont, A.; Issaragrisil, S.; Andersson, B. S.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 High variability of hormonal levels and no clinically relevant interaction between ethinyl estradiol, desogestrel and lopinavir/ritonavir in a small sample of HIV-positive adolescents 0.00 Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Landolt N.K., Bunupuradah T., Kosalaraksa P., Ubolyam S., Thammajaruk N., Cremers S., Zott R., Kerr S., Ananworanich J.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 HIV-infected children in the Asia-Pacific region with baseline severe anemia: Antiretroviral therapy and outcomes 0.00 Asian Biomedicine Lumbiganon P., Kosalaraksa P., Bunupuradah T., Boettiger D., Saphonn V., Truong K.H., Kurniati N., Hansudewechakul R., Do V.C., Sudjaritruk T., Kumarasamy N., Kongstan N., Yusoff N.K.N., Nguyen L.V., Wati D.K., Razali K., Sohn A.H., Kariminia A.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Hypovitaminosis D and hyperparathyroidism: Effects on bone turnover and bone mineral density among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents 0.00 AIDS Sudjaritruk T., Bunupuradah T., Aurpibul L., Kosalaraksa P., Kurniati N., Prasitsuebsai W., Sophonphan J., Ananworanich J., Puthanakit T.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Impact of orphan status on HIV treatment outcomes and retention in care of children and adolescents in Asia 0.00 JOURNAL OF VIRUS ERADICATION Bui Vu Huy; Teeraananchai, Sirinya; Le Ngoc Oanh; Tucker, John; Kurniati, Nia; Hansudewechakul, Rawiwan; Khanh Huu Truong; Khol, Vohith; Lam Van Nguyen; Viet Chau Do; Lumbiganon, Pagakrong; Kongstan, Nantaka; Bunupuradah, Torsak; Sudjaritruk, Tavitiya; Kumarasamy, Nagalingeswaran; Yusoff, Nik Khairulddin Nik; Razali, Kamarul Azahar Mohd; Wati, Dewi Kumara; Fong, Moy Siew; Nallusamy, Revathy; Kariminia, Azar; Sohn, Annette H.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Implementation of tuberculosis intensive case finding, isoniazid preventive therapy, and infection control ("Three I's") and HIV-tuberculosis service integration in lower income countries 0.00 PLoS ONE Charles M.K., Lindegren M.L., Wester C.W., Blevins M., Sterling T.R., Dung N.T., Dusingize J.C., Avit-Edi D., Durier N., Castelnuovo B., Nakigozi G., Cortes C.P., Ballif M., Fenner L., Ajayi S., Anastos K., Bashi J., Bishai W., Boulle A., Braitstein P., Carriquiry G., Carter J.E., Cegielski P., Chimbetete C., Davies M.-A., Diero L., Duda S., Egger M., Eboua T.F., Gasser A., Geng E., Gnokori J.C., Hardwicke L., Hoffmann C., Huebner R., Kancheya N., Kiertiburanakul S., Kim P., Lameck D., Leroy V., Lewden C., Mandalakas A., Maskew M., McKaig R., Mofenson L., Mpoudi-Etame M., Okwara B., Phiri S., Prasitsuebsai W., Petit A., Prozesky H., Reid S.E., Renner L., Reubenson G., Sohn A., Vo Q., Walker D., Wehbe F., Wejse C., Williams C., Wood R., Wools-Kaloustian K., Yao Z., Yunihastuti E., Zhang F.J., Zhao H.X., Han N., Merati T.P., Wirawan D.N., Yuliana F., Ditangco R., Uy E., Bantique R., Phanuphak P., Ruxrungtham K., Avihingsanon A., Khongphattanayothin M., Sungkanuparph S., Sanmeema N., Chaiwarith R., Sirisanthana T., Kotarathititum W., Pham T.T., Cuong D.D., Ha H.L., Nguyen V.K., Bui V.H., Nguyen T.D., Sohn A.H., Petersen B., Cooper D.A., Law M.G., Jiamsakul A., Boettiger D.C., Wati D.K., Atmikasari L.P.P., Malino I.Y., Nallusamy R., Chan K.C., Lumbiganon P., Kosalaraksa P., Tharnprisan P., Udomphanit T., Phongsamart W., Wittawatmongkol O., Dung K.T.K., Lam N.V., An P.N., Loan N.T., Truong H.K., Du T.Q., Chau N.H., Do C.V., Ha M.T., Nipathakosol P., Kariminia A., Mutimura E., Gitembagara A., Tatwangire J., Izabelle I., Niyongabo T., Twizere C., Baramperanye E., Edmonds A., Yotebieng M., Azinyue I., Ayangma L., Dickinson D., Eley B., Fritz C., Garone D., Giddy J., MacPhail P., Moultrie H., Ndirangu J., Pestilli S., Rabie H., Stringer J., Technau K., Graber C., Kaeser F., Keiser O., Cornell M., Maxwell N., Zannou D.M., Ahouada C., Akakpo J., Ahomadegbรฉ C., Gougounon-Houรฉto A., Azon-Kouanou A., Houngbรฉ F., Sehonou J., Koumakpaรฏ S., Alihonou F., D'Almeida M., Hodonou I., Hounhoui G., Sagbo G., Tossa-Bagnan L., Adjide H., Drabo J., Bognounou R., Dienderรฉ A., Traore E., Zoungrana L., Zerbo B., Sawadogo A.B., Zoungrana J., Hรฉma A., Sorรฉ I., Bado G., Tapsoba A., Yรฉ D., Kouรฉta F., Ouedraogo S., Ouรฉdraogo R., Hiembo W., Gansonrรฉ M., Messou E., Gnokoro J.C., Konรฉ M., Kouakou G.M., Bosse C.A., Brou K., Assi A.I., Chenal H., Hawerlander D., Soppi F., Minga A., Abo Y., Yoboue J.-M., Eholiรฉ S.P., Amego M.D.N., Andavi V., Diallo Z., Ello F., Tanon A.K., Koule S.O., Anzan K.C., Guehi C., Aka E.A., Issouf K.L., Kouakou J.-C., N'Gbeche M.-S., Pety T., Kouakou K., Moh M., Yao V.A., Folquet M.A., Dainguy M.-E., Kouakou C., Mรฉa-Assande V.T., Oka-Berete G., Zobo N., Acquah P., Kokora M.-B., Timitรฉ-Konan M., Ahoussou L.D., Assouan J.K., Sami M.F., Kouadio C., Goka B., Welbeck J., Sackey A., Owiafe S.N., Da Silva Z.J., Paulo J., Rodrigues A., Da Silva D., Medina C., Oliviera-Souto I., ร˜stergaard L., Laursen A., Sodemann M., Aaby P., Fomsgaard A., Erikstrup C., Eugen-Olsen J., Maรฏga M.Y., Diakitรฉ F.F., Kalle A., Katile D., Traore H.A., Minta D., Cissรฉ T., Dembelรฉ M., Doumbia M., Fomba M., Kaya A.S., Traorรฉ A.M., Traorรฉ H., Toure A.A., Dicko F., Sylla M., Berthรฉ A., Traorรฉ H.C., Koรฏta A., Konรฉ N., N'Diaye C., Coulibaly S.T., Traorรฉ M., Traorรฉ N., Charurat M., Alim G., Dapiap S., Otu, Igbinoba F., Benson O., Adebamowo C., James J., Obaseki, Osakede P., Olasode J., Seydi M., Sow P.S., Diop B., Manga N.M., Tine J.M., Bassabi C.C., Sy H.S., Ba A., Diagne A., Dior H., Faye M., Gueye R.D., Mbaye A.D., Patassi A., Kotosso A., Kariyare B.G., Gbadamassi G., Komi A., Mensah-Zukong K.E., Pakpame P., Lawson-Evi A.K., Atakouma Y., Takassi E., Djeha A., Ephoรฉvigah A., Djibril S.E.-H., Dabis F., Bissagnene E., Arrivรฉ E., Coffie P., Ekouevi D., Jaquet A., Sasco A.J., Amani D., Azani J.-C., Balestre E., Bessekon S., Bohossou F., Gilbert C., Karcher S., Gonsan J.M., Le Carrou J., Lenaud S., Nchot C., Malateste K., Yao A.R., Silouรฉ B., Clouet G., Dosso M., Doring A., Kouakou A., Rabourdin E., Rivenc J., Anglaret X., Ba B., Essanin J.B., Ciaranello A., Dattรฉ S., Desmonde S., Diby J.-S.E., Gottlieb G.S., Horo A.G., Kangah S.N., Malvy D., Meless D., Mounkaila-Harouna A., Ndondoki C., Shiboski C., Tchounga B., Thiรฉbaut R., Wandeler G., McGowan C., Cahn P., Gotuzzo E., Reyes M.W., Grinsztejn B., Pape J.W., Padgett D., Madero J.S.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Increased levels of median urinary iodine excretion of primary school children in the suburban area, Khon Kaen, Thailand 0.00 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Apirajkamol N., Panamonta O., Panamonta M.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Kaposi sarcoma risk in HIV-infected children and adolescents on combination antiretroviral therapy from sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, and Asia 0.00 Clinical Infectious Diseases Rohner E., Schmidlin K., Zwahlen M., Chakraborty R., Clifford G., Obel N., Grabar S., Verbon A., Noguera-Julian A., Judd A., Collins I.J., Rojo P., Brockmeyer N., Campbell M., Chene G., Prozesky H., Eley B., Stefan D., Davidson A., Chimbetete C., Sawry S., Davies M.-A., Kariminia A., Vibol U., Sohn A., Egger M., Bohlius J., Tanser F., Vinikoor M., Macete E., Wood R., Stinson K., Garone D., Fatti G., Phiri S., Giddy J., Malisita K., Fritz C., Hobbins M., Kamenova K., Fox M., Technau K., Zangerle R., Touloumi G., Warszawski J., Meyer L., Dabis F., Krause M.M., Ghosn J., Leport C., Wittkop L., Reiss P., Wit F., Prins M., Bucher H., Sabin C., Gibb D., Fรคtkenheuer G., Del Amo J., Thorne C., Mocroft A., Kirk O., Stephan C., Pรฉrez-Hoyos S., Hamouda O., Bartmeyer B., Chkhartishvili N., Antinori A., Monforte A.D., Prieto L., Soriano-Arandes A., Battegay M., Kouyos R., Mussini C., Tookey P., Casabona J., Mirรณ J.M., Castagna A., Konopnick D., Goetghebuer T., Sรถnnerborg A., Torti C., Teira R., Garrido M., Haerry D., De Wit S., Costagliola D., Raben D., Barger D., Schwimmer C., Termote M., Frederiksen C., Friis-Mรธller N., Berenguer J., Bouteloup V., Cozzi-Lepri A., Dorrucci M., Dunn D., Furrer H., Guiguet M., Lambotte O., Leroy V., Lodi S., Matheron S., Monge S., Nakagawa F., Paredes R., Peters L., Phillips A., Puoti M., Schomaker M., Smit C., Sterne J., Thiebaut R., Van Der Valk M., Ly P.S., Khol V., Sarun S.M., Ung V.B., Tucker J., Kumarasamy N., Saghayam S., Chandrasekaran E., Wati D.K., Atmikasari L.P.P., Malino I.Y., Kurniati N., Muktiarti D., Fong S.M., Lim M., Daut F., Nik Yusoff N.K., Mohamad P., Razali K.A., Mohamed T.J., Mohammed N.A.D.R., Nallusamy R., Chan K.C., Sudjaritruk T., Sirisanthana V., Aurpibul L., Oberdorfer P., Hansudewechakul R., Denjanta S., Srisuk W., Kongphonoi A., Lumbiganon P., Kosalaraksa P., Tharnprisan P., Udomphanit T., Jourdain G., Bunupuradah T., Puthanakit T., Prasitsuebsai W., Chanthaweethip W., Chokephaibulkit K., Lapphra K., Phongsamart W., Sricharoenchai S., Truong K.H., Du Q.T., Nguyen C.H., Do V.C., Ha T.M., An V.T., Nguyen L.V., Khu D.T.K., Pham A.N., Nguyen L.T., Le O.N., Sohn A.H., Sethaputra C., Cooper D.A., Law M.G.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Lack of association between an XRCC1 gene polymorphism and colorectal cancer survival in Thailand 0.00 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention Siewchaisakul P., Suwanrungruang K., Poomphakwaen K., Wiangnon S., Promthet S.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitore-Based Antiretroviral Therapy in Perinatally HIV-Infected, Treatment-Naive Adolescents in Asia 0.00 Journal of Adolescent Health Boettiger D.C., Sudjaritruk T., Nallusamy R., Lumbiganon P., Rungmaitree S., Hansudewechakul R., Kumarasamy N., Bunupuradah T., Saphonn V., Truong K.H., Yusoff N.K.N., Do V.C., Nguyen L.V., Razali K.A.M., Fong S.M., Kurniati N., Kariminia A.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Opportunities and challenges in adolescent health training abroad: Trainees' experience and perspective 0.00 International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health Harrison A., Areemit R., Kanbur N.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Phenotype and Genotype in a Cohort of 312 Adult Patients with Nontransfusion-Dependent Thalassemia in Northeast Thailand 0.00 ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA Prayalaw, Patcharawadee; Teawtrakul, Nattiya; Jetsrisuparb, Arunee; Pongudom, Saranya; Fucharoen, Goonnapa; Fucharoen, Supan
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Propranolol was effective in treating cutaneous infantile haemangiomas in Thai children 0.00 Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics Techasatian L., Komwilaisak P., Panombualert S., Uppala R., Jetsrisuparb C.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Safety profile of the 9-valent HPV vaccine: A combined analysis of 7 phase III clinical trials 0.00 Pediatrics Moreira E.D., Jr., Block S.L., Ferris D., Giuliano A.R., Iversen O.-E., Joura E.A., Kosalaraksa P., Schilling A., Van Damme P., Bornstein J., Bosch F.X., Pils S., Cuzick J., Garland S.M., Huh W., Kjaer S.K., Qi H., Hyatt D., Martin J., Moeller E., Ritter M., Baudin M., Luxembourg A.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Survival of stomach cancer cases in Khon Kaen, Thailand 2000-2012 0.00 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention Nanthanangkul S., Suwanrungruang K., Wiangnon S., Promthet S.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Therapeutic drug monitoring of lopinavir in HIV-infected children on second-line antiretroviral therapy in Asia 0.00 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Aurpibul L., Teerananchai S., Prasitsuebsai W., Sudjaritruk T., Kosalaraksa P., Kurniati N., Truong K.H., Do V.C., Van Nguyen L., Chokephaibulkit K., Singtoroj T., Kerr S.J.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Transcranial direct current stimulation for treatment of childhood pharmacoresistant lennox-gastaut syndrome: A pilot study 0.00 Frontiers in Neurology Auvichayapat N., Sinsupan K., Tunkamnerdthai O., Auvichayapat P.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Treatment outcomes and resistance patterns of children and adolescents on second-line antiretroviral therapy in Asia 0.00 Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Prasitsuebsai W., Teeraananchai S., Singtoroj T., Truong K.H., Ananworanich J., Do V.C., Nguyen L.V., Kosalaraksa P., Kurniati N., Sudjaritruk T., Chokephaibulkit K., Kerr S.J., Sohn A.H.
กุมารเวชศาสตร์ (Pediatrics) 2016 Trends in Survival of Childhood Cancers in a University Hospital, Northeast Thailand, 19932012 0.00 Asian Pac J Cancer Prev Wongmeerit P, Suwanrungruang K, Jetsrisuparb A, Komvilaisak P, Wiangnon S.