Research Department Auhors

# ชื่อนักวิจัย ปี ชื่อผลงาน ตีพิมพ์ใน
1 สมศักดิ์ เทียมเก่า 2019 A web-based surveillance model of eosinophilic meningitis: Future prediction and distribution patterns Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health
2 กาญจนา จันทร์สูง 2019 Event free survival at 24 months is a strong surrogate prognostic endpoint of peripheral T cell lymphoma HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY
3 กิตติ จันทร์เลิศฤทธิ์ 2019 Predictive factors for survival time of 273 inoperable hilar cholangiocarcinoma patients: Disease registry analyses Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
4 กิตติ์รวี กฤษฏิ์เมธาภาคย์ 2019 Parathyroid Hormone Measurement in Chronic Kidney Disease: From Basics to Clinical Implications International Journal of Nephrology
5 กิตติศักดิ์ สวรรยาวิสุทธิ์ 2019 A web-based surveillance model of eosinophilic meningitis: Future prediction and distribution patterns Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health
6 โกสินทร์ วิระษร 2019 Frailty syndrome in biliary tract cancer patients: Prevalence and associated factors Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
7 คู่ขวัญ สวัสดิ์พาณิชย์ 2019 Prevalence and associated factors of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth among systemic sclerosis patients International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
8 จาริญญ์ จินดาประเสริฐ 2019 A comparison of preferences of elderly patients for end-of-life period and their relatives' perceptions in Thailand Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
9 จิตติมา ศิริจีระชัย 2019 Event free survival at 24 months is a strong surrogate prognostic endpoint of peripheral T cell lymphoma HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY
10 ฉัตรเลิศ พงษ์ไชยกุล 2019 Atezolizumab-induced autoimmune diabetes in a patient with metastatic lung cancer Frontiers in Endocrinology
11 ชลธิป พงศ์สกุล 2019 Therapeutic concentration achievement and allograft survival comparing usage of conventional tacrolimus doses and CYP3A5 genotype-guided doses in renal transplantation patients British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
12 ชินดล วานิชพงษ์พันธุ์ 2019 Better survivals in adolescent and Young adults, compared to adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia - A multicenter prospective registry in Thai population LEUKEMIA RESEARCH
13 ไชยสิทธิ์ วงศ์วิภาพร 2019 Factors associated with low health-related quality of life among younger and older Thai patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH
14 ณัฐติยา เตียวตระกูล 2019 Molecular analysis of non-transfusion dependent thalassemia associated with hemoglobin E-β-Thalassemia disease without α-thalassemia Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
15 ทรงขวัญ ศิลารักษ์ 2019 Predictors for obesity hypoventilation syndrome in Thai population Sleep Medicine Research
16 ทรงศักดิ์ เกียรติชูสกุล 2019 Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: comparison of patient characteristics and clinical outcomes within Asia and between Asia, Europe and the Americas European Journal of Heart Failure
17 ธงชัย ประฏิภาณวัตร 2019 Impact of Hypoglycemia on Health-Related Quality of Life among Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study in Thailand Journal of Diabetes Research
18 บูรพา ปุสธรรม 2019 Clinical and laboratory predictions of myocardial inflammation as detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with systemic sclerosis: A pilot study International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
19 ปณิตา ลิมปะวัฒนะ 2019 A comparison of preferences of elderly patients for end-of-life period and their relatives' perceptions in Thailand Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
20 ปิยทัศน์ ทัศนาวิวัฒน์ 2019 The rate of patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease with an optimal low-density cholesterol level: A multicenter study from Thailand Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
21 พรรณธิพา ต้นสวรรค์ 2019 Renal pathology and clinical associations in systemic sclerosis: A historical cohort study International Journal of General Medicine
22 พิศาล ไม้เรียง 2019 Predictive factors for survival time of 273 inoperable hilar cholangiocarcinoma patients: Disease registry analyses Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
23 เพลินจันทร์ เชษฐ์โชติศักดิ์ 2019 Differentiation between persistent infection/colonization and re-infection/re-colonization of Mycobacterium abscessus isolated from patients in Northeast Thailand Infection Genetics and Evolution
24 ไพลิน รัตนวัฒน์กุล 2019 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Mortality by Industry and Occupation Reply AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE
25 ภัทรพงษ์ มกรเวส 2019 The value of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of myocardial and liver iron overload in a thalassaemia endemic population: a report from Northeastern Thailand POLISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
26 รัตนวดี ณ นคร 2019 Clinical and laboratory predictions of myocardial inflammation as detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with systemic sclerosis: A pilot study International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
27 วัชรา บุญสวัสดิ์ 2019 Positive expiratory pressure breathing speeds recovery of postexercise dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Physiotherapy Research International
28 วัฒนา สุขีไพศาลเจริญ 2019 A phase II study of the efficacy and safety of the MET inhibitor capmatinib (INC280) in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology
29 วิชัย เส้นทอง 2019 A web-based surveillance model of eosinophilic meningitis: Future prediction and distribution patterns Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health
30 วิภา รีชัยพิชิตกุล 2019 Agreement of tuberculin skin test and quantiFERON®-TB gold-in-tube for screening Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in healthcare workers in a university hospital Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
31 วีรจิตต์ โชติมงคล 2019 A comparison of preferences of elderly patients for end-of-life period and their relatives' perceptions in Thailand Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
32 วีระเดช พิศประเสริฐ 2019 GLIM criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition – A consensus report from the global clinical nutrition community Clinical Nutrition
33 ศิรภพ สุวรรณโรจน์ 2019 Clinical and laboratory predictions of myocardial inflammation as detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with systemic sclerosis: A pilot study International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
34 ศิริรัตน์ อนุตระกูลชัย 2019 Effect of CYP3A5 genotype on hospitalization cost for kidney transplantation International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
35 สุรณัฐ เจริญศรี 2019 Concurrence of myasthenia gravis and thyroid disorders: A retrospective database study Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies
36 อธิบดี มีสิงห์ 2019 How to differentiate Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Gnathostoma spinigerum as a cause of eosinophilic meningitis? Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
37 อนัฆพงษ์ พันธุ์มณี 2019 Atezolizumab-induced autoimmune diabetes in a patient with metastatic lung cancer Frontiers in Endocrinology
38 อภิชาติ แสงจันทร์ 2019 Predictive factors for survival time of 273 inoperable hilar cholangiocarcinoma patients: Disease registry analyses Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
39 อรรจนี มหรรฆานุเคราะห์ 2019 Clinical and laboratory predictions of myocardial inflammation as detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with systemic sclerosis: A pilot study International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
40 เอื้อมแข สุขประเสริฐ 2019 Frailty syndrome in biliary tract cancer patients: Prevalence and associated factors Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention