# | ชื่อนักวิจัย | ปี | ชื่อผลงาน | ตีพิมพ์ใน |
1 | เกียรติศักดิ์ คงวัฒนกุล | 2018 | Adequacy of calcium intake during pregnancy in a tertiary care center | International Journal of Women's Health |
2 | เจน โสธรวิทย์ | 2018 | Carotid intima-media thickness and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: a cross-sectional study | Climacteric |
3 | เจศฏา ถิ่นคำรพ | 2018 | Accuracy of computerised tomography scan for the diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in cholangiocarcinoma | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research |
4 | โฉมพิลาศ จงสมชัย | 2018 | Discontinuation rate and adverse events after 1 year of vaginal pessary use in women with pelvic organ prolapse | International Urogynecology Journal |
5 | ชำนาญ เกียรติพีรกุล | 2018 | An audit of standards of radical hysterectomy in women with early-stage cervical cancer | European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology |
6 | ธีระยุทธ เต็มธนะกิจไพศาล | 2018 | An elongated endometrial polyp prolapsing through the introitus in a Virgin | Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy |
7 | บัณฑิต ชุมวรฐายี | 2018 | An audit of standards of radical hysterectomy in women with early-stage cervical cancer | European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology |
8 | ประนอม บุพศิริ | 2018 | Adequacy of calcium intake during pregnancy in a tertiary care center | International Journal of Women's Health |
9 | พิไลวรรณ กลีบแก้ว | 2018 | An audit of standards of radical hysterectomy in women with early-stage cervical cancer | European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology |
10 | ภิเศก ลุมพิกานนท์ | 2018 | Cesarean rates and severe maternal and neonatal outcomes according to the Robson 10-Group Classification System in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand | International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics |
11 | รัตนา คำวิลัยศักดิ์ | 2018 | Clinical course of homozygous hemoglobin constant spring in pediatric patients | Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology |
12 | วรลักษณ์ สมบูรณ์พร | 2018 | A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial evaluating the effect of polyphenol-rich herbal congee on bone turnover markers of the perimenopausal and menopausal women | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity |
13 | ศรีนารี แก้วฤดี | 2018 | Carotid intima-media thickness and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: a cross-sectional study | Climacteric |
14 | สงวนโชค ล้วนรัตนากร | 2018 | An audit of standards of radical hysterectomy in women with early-stage cervical cancer | European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology |
15 | สุกรี สุนทราภา | 2018 | Adequacy of calcium intake during pregnancy in a tertiary care center | International Journal of Women's Health |
16 | อมรรัตน์ เต็มธนะกิจไพศาล | 2018 | An audit of standards of radical hysterectomy in women with early-stage cervical cancer | European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology |