# | ชื่อนักวิจัย | ปี | ชื่อผลงาน | ตีพิมพ์ใน |
1 | กิตติศักดิ์ ศรีพานิชกุลชัย | 2016 | Hypocholesterolemic mechanism of phenolics-enriched extract from Moringa oleifera leaves in HepG2 cell lines | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology |
2 | กิมาพร ขมะณะรงค์ | 2016 | Classification of portal vein tributaries in Thai cadavers including a new type V | Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy |
3 | โกวิท ไชยศิวามงคล | 2016 | Autistic-Like Behaviors, Oxidative Stress Status, and Histopathological Changes in Cerebellum of Valproic Acid Rat Model of Autism Are Improved by the Combined Extract of Purple Rice and Silkworm Pupae | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity |
4 | จริยา อำคา เวลบาท | 2016 | Asiatic acid prevents the deleterious effects of valproic acid on cognition and hippocampal cell proliferation and survival | Nutrients |
5 | ธัณย์สิตา อนันต์ธีระกุล | 2016 | Sexual Dimorphism Using the Interstyloid Distances and Clinical Implication for Elongated Styloid Process in Northeastern Thailand | International Journal of Morphology |
6 | ธาริณี สวัสดิ์พาณิชย์ | 2016 | Ultrastructural localization of endogenous exchange factor for ARF6 in adrenocortical cells in Situ of mice | Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica |
7 | นงนุช เอื้อบัณฑิต | 2016 | Changes of testicular phosphorylated proteins in response to restraint stress in male rats | JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE B |
8 | นวพร เตชาทวีวรรณ | 2016 | Identification in Immuno-Electron Microscopy of Solitary Multi-Polar Peripheral Neurons of Adult Opisthorchis viverrini by Antibody Against Rat Diacylglycerol Kinase zeta | International Journal of Morphology |
9 | ปัญญา ท้วมสุข | 2016 | Incidence of Clavicular Rhomboid Fossa in Northeastern Thais: An Anthropological Study | Anat Res Int |
10 | ปัทมา อมาตยคง | 2016 | Classification of portal vein tributaries in Thai cadavers including a new type V | Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy |
11 | ปาริฉัตร ประจะเนย์ | 2016 | Asiatic acid attenuates renin-angiotensin system activation and improves vascular function in high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet fed rats | BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
12 | พิพัฒน์พงษ์ แคนลา | 2016 | Ultrastructural localization of endogenous exchange factor for ARF6 in adrenocortical cells in Situ of mice | Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica |
13 | ยรรยง ทุมแสน | 2016 | Association between high pineal fluoride content and pineal calcification in a low fluoride area | Fluoride |
14 | วนัสนันท์ แป้นนางรอง | 2016 | Asiatic acid prevents the deleterious effects of valproic acid on cognition and hippocampal cell proliferation and survival | Nutrients |
15 | วรรณี ชัยจรูญคณารักษ์ | 2016 | Asiatic acid prevents the deleterious effects of valproic acid on cognition and hippocampal cell proliferation and survival | Nutrients |
16 | วรวุฒิ วรพุทธพร | 2016 | Classification of portal vein tributaries in Thai cadavers including a new type V | Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy |
17 | วราภรณ์ สาแก้ว | 2016 | Identification in Immuno-Electron Microscopy of Solitary Multi-Polar Peripheral Neurons of Adult Opisthorchis viverrini by Antibody Against Rat Diacylglycerol Kinase zeta | International Journal of Morphology |
18 | วิภาวี หีบแก้ว | 2016 | Identification in Immuno-Electron Microscopy of Solitary Multi-Polar Peripheral Neurons of Adult Opisthorchis viverrini by Antibody Against Rat Diacylglycerol Kinase zeta | International Journal of Morphology |
19 | สมสุดา โสมอินทร์ | 2016 | Sexual Dimorphism Using the Interstyloid Distances and Clinical Implication for Elongated Styloid Process in Northeastern Thailand | International Journal of Morphology |
20 | สิทธิชัย เอี่ยมสะอาด | 2016 | Antioxidant Capacity and Acute Testicular Toxicity of Leucaena leucocephala Aqueous Shoot Tips Plus Young Leaves Extracts | International Journal of Morphology |
21 | สุภัจฉรี อรัญ | 2016 | Changes of testicular phosphorylated proteins in response to restraint stress in male rats | JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE B |